We are a firm specialized in management and advice in the field of intellectual property. Patents, trademarks, designs and other particular modalities for the protection of intellectual property generate value, thus requiring an optimal protection and follow-up.



Duran Haeussler is a firm specialized in management, advice and legal defense of rights in the field of intellectual property. Patents, utility models, trademarks, designs and other particular modalities for the protection of intellectual property generate value, thus requiring an optimal protection and follow-up.

In 1902, registered Industrial Property Agent Joaquin Ventura founded his Agencia de Patentes y Marcas in Barcelona. Currently, Duran Haeussler continues said tradition with the commitment of that time, the same spirit of service and an extensive experience in all aspects of intellectual property law built up over the years.

Our clients, such as small, medium and large companies, startups, entrepreneurs, inventors and designers, come from a wide range of sectors and industries. We provide professional and customer-oriented advice to our clients, establishing a close and continuous relationship based on trust and professional expertise, so that they can make the choices than best reflect their needs in intellectual property protection.

Commitment to our clients, our legal rigor acquired through on-going training and our extensive experience allow us to provide custom solutions to the particular needs of our clients.


Duran Haeussler’s priority is to appropriately and efficiently protect our clients’ interests in the field of intellectual property, understanding our client’s business and offering them precise, relevant and quick responses to their needs.

Scope of work

As experts in the field of intellectual property, we operate nationally, internationally and at the European level.


At Duran Haeussler we are registered in the Colegio Oficial de Agentes de la Propiedad Industrial (COAPI) as industrial property agents, acting as representatives at the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office (OEPM).

At European and Community level:

In the European sphere, we are members of the European Patent Institute (EPI) being accredited as European patent attorneys before the European Patent Office (EPO). We also act as representatives of Community trade marks and designs at the Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market (OHIM), on behalf of our clients in this jurisdiction.


We work with a solid worldwide network of correspondents selected for their skills and reputation on their respective markets, allowing us to comply with the requirements set forth by each legislation and also enabling us to respond fully reply to our clients’ global needs.

We are also active members of associations such as the International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (AIPPI) and collaborate in the related fora through our participation or attendance, keeping us abreast of any developments in this area.


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