We launch new website and blog!


We launch Duran Haeussler’s new web and inaugurate our blog with this first post!

As mentioned in our Mission, we are a firm specialized in management, advice and legal defense of rights in the field of intellectual property.

Entrepreneurs, inventors or businessmen share the same doubts: what should I do to identify myself in the marketplace? Is it enough to register my commercial denomination before the Mercantile/Business Register? Do I have to register my trade mark? Why should I do it? In terms of inventions, the usual queries are: “I have invented a new vehicle, container, apparatus, machine, tool, material, device, etc… and I want to manufacture it and/or commercialize it: Should I protect it? How do I do it? Should I stick to the national territory or protect it abroad? Are all countries managed the same way? Who helps me? Who can give me advice?

From Duran Haeussler, as explained in our Vision statement, we are prepared to answer all these questions and to define an optimal protection strategy because your trade marks, designs, inventions and other IP rights are important enough to get professional advice before making any decision. This is the best guarantee for obtaining excellent legal protection and for maximizing your intellectual property rights.

Another common situation is where applicants, having initiated the registration proceedings, contact Duran Haeussler when they receive office actions, oppositions against their applications, cease and desist letters or when other issues come up during the registration process. Even though some problems can be overcome and the matter can be positively corrected, in other occasions the situation may lead to an irreparable loose of rights.

This is the reason why we always recommend entrepreneurs, businessmen or inventors to look for professional advice from the beginning.

This has been our first blog post. In future posts we will cover the latest developments in the field of intellectual property and further interesting or just curious topics.

Follow us on Twitter for updated information, news and events: @DHVioladuran

Note: Any article included in this blog and/or opinions expressed therein do not necessarily reflect the views of any Intellectual Property Office or of other entities or third parties but remain solely those of the author and do not constitute legal, technical or any other type of advice. The owner of this blog declines any responsibility for the information provided or for the consequences of errors or omissions.

Posted in Duran Haeussler

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