Specialized technical and legal advice is essential to ensure effective and optimal protection of intellectual property. It requires someone that knows it and understands it.


“If it be a duty to respect other men’s claims, so also is it a duty to maintain our ownâ€

Herbert Spencer

Legal services

Specialized technical and legal advice is essential to ensure effective and optimal protection of intellectual property. It requires someone that knows it and understands it.

At Duran Haeussler we will help you have greater performance of your intangible assets whether they are kept as trade secrets or know-how or if registered protection is sought. We are prepared to intervene at any stage of the registration proceeding or afterwards to resolve conflicts that may arise regarding trademarks, patents, designs and other kinds of intellectual property.

Likewise, we act before civil, contentious-administrative and criminal proceedings as well as in arbitration proceedings.

At Duran Haeussler we provide, among others, the following technical and legal services:

  • Administrative proceedings related to suspensions, oppositions, appeals, third-party observations and other objections against trademark applications; contencious-administrative appeals.
  • Legal defense in administrative and judicial proceedings related to infringement, invalidity and revocation.
  • Civil actions for infringement of intellectual property rights, as well as for revocation, invalidity and for recovery of ownership, of copyright, advertisement and against unfair competition acts.
  • Extra-judicial mechanisms for solving disputes.
  • Feasibility studies and preparation of legal actions (pre-contencious advise).
  • Prevention of unfair competition, including unlawful publicity.
  • Expert opinions and technical reports.
  • Freedom-to-Operate search.
  • Drafting and negotiating of agreements or contracts and other transactions.
  • Technical and legal translations.


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